Wednesday, February 25, 2009

HappY BuFFday TemoT!!!

HapPy BuffdaY to FaTenG!!
in other words, Slamat hari Tua..hak3..

It's been the nicest thing knowing you, and i gotta admit that u r one of the best things that ever happen to me..

I hope u have a wonderful blessed days ahead and may this year brings only the greatest things for u.. if it is less than beautiful, i know u would learn sumthing from it and make a better tomorrow..

Enjoy ur 20th year of living on this earth GrannY!!


Monday, February 23, 2009

AvasT cookie!!!

"Not the ButtoNs!"
i found this picture on the web and it flashes my mind
back to our clas where we make jokes about this little fella..

NeW paGe!!! thanx nanoT

this is a pokok bunga yg tetiba je mekar bulan ini..
pokok ini terletak di parking lot bawah umah beta...
sgt cantek!
sebenanye saje gatal2 nak post blog sebab ade layout baru...

thanx to nanoT... sgt chumel page ini... hehehe...

arini kurasu sgt bosanu...
beta dan partner beta berlayu-layuan mata semasa klas ptg..
kami yg pada mulanya sgt bersemangat utk menjawab soklan,

tapi towards the end, battery dah low..
pergerakan kami makin slow and feed back kpd lecturer pown makin lemau...
at last kami bwat count down sendiri..
we tried to kill the time by
~kacau2 kak ana,
~conteng2 kertas,
~borak2 pasal kura2
~tunjuk video "baboon" pada rakan2
~tgk FatenG minom air dari botol NIKE nya (boikot la dey!)
~jeling2 jejaka yg lalu kat koridor
~tgk sepit quelen yg sgt menarik
~tgk nana yg berusaha utk bukak mata...

we participated gak with the activities, tp kami tewas di tgh jalan...
tenaga sudah habis...
huhu~sowy dr krish...

ok lah, beta nak ngadap crtique paper nih.. bubbye!


sowy if i ever made u feel less pleasant with my absence, and i noe i missed a lot of things going on in the present times, tapi nnt bile sume dah setel nnt, i'll come back home ok.... gud luck 4 esok!!! luff u

Saturday, February 21, 2009

a ghost at my kampung

here how it goes..
my grandmother is not well,
as we get older, ofcoz our memory will get old too..
so, everytime she talks to us,
she keeps referring that she is still at her age of 20..

aritu die dok picit2 tangan die, then i tanya..
"nape baba, sakit tangan ke?"
then she looked at me and said " ni tangan sape ni? kedut2, dah la urat bunjul2 keluar.."
aku terdiam kejap, pastu aku kata " tangan baba lah, biasa la tu baba, kalu kite dah berumur, kulit pun berumur jgak"
tetiba dia marah plak "sapa kata aku tua, aku muda lg tau, abah aku pun hidup lagi tu ha"

actually her abah has died, but she didnt remember a thing about it n keep saying that she wants to go back to her parents' house in Bkt Cina in which dosent exist anymore..

kesian kat dia..
semnjak dia dah lupe2 ni,
byk kali la dia kata ade dua org budak kat umah dia tu..
padahal kat umah tu ada dia n maid dia je..
aritu mase malam raya, baba naik kreta ktrg n she keep asking about the two budak..

me: mane ada budak2 baba
baba: ada lah! kau nak kate aku nyanyok?
me: ish mane ade baba.
baba: budak2 tu ada kat sini tadi.
me: (mule mengigil) kat mane baba?
baba: tadi duk kat sini, tapi skarang tak tau la, dah balek umah kot.
me: macam mane muka dorang baba?
baba: (senyum) x de muke, macam mane aku nak crita.
me: (terkentut trus..)

takut gile aku dibuat nye..insiden lain...pada suatu maghrib

baba: (kat pintu umah, senyum2)
me: baba tgk ape?
baba: tu ha, berani betul budak2 tu balek malam2..
me: budak mane baba?
baba: yang tadi main ngan kau tu.
me: (dah sudah!) erk, masuk la baba, da maghrib ni.
baba: nnt aku masuk lah! (marah plak)

banyak lagi insiden2 yg mendirikan bulu roma aku..
sepupu2 aku yg lain pun takowt..
bile kitorang tgh borak2, mesti baba tanye "mane budak2 tu"
aiyo0o.....kitorang sume dah tua bangka, budak2 mane la yg die carik tu...
takowt owh!!!

mule2 kitorang igt maybe becoz of her memory,
but recently, maid yg keja ngan dia tu reveal a case regarding a man yg die slalu ternampak dalam umah tu...

the description is like this:

org nya tinggi
good looking
wearing a green baju
fair skin

the recent meetings:

jumpa dia berdiri kat dapur

pastu dengar dia jalan2 keliling umah

and then

she saw the GUY walking up the stairs
half way HE stopped n look at her,
then he smiled before he disappeared.

camne nak tidow kat kampung ni?????
takowt nye...
and she said, actually dia dah nampak dat guy on the first day she started working there..
i'm hoping that he is the good ghost.

bile my mum denga crita tu,
she cried.
dia kate "umi rase, tu jidi awak(atuk), die dah janji ngan moyang yg dia akan jaga baba, mungkin tu roh dia, he is keeping his promises"

hmmm... sedih plak aku denga...
but wat ever it is, our family will go back to recite Yaasin and do some bacaan doa for baba..
as long as the ghost tak ganggu, then it is ok..

Saturday, February 14, 2009

tiRed and sleepy~

sgt sgt sgt penat arini....
now is 1:11 am and i'm still awake..
baru tringat nak cek email, a friend of mine nak send sum pics..
alang2 tu, terrrr tekan BLOGGERS website plak...
pastu rase mcm nak share what i've been tru yesterday and today...

jumaat malam sabtu aritu i arrived home from puncak..
sampai2 umah je my dad kate nak gi visit my sedare yg masuk
hospital selayang.. he had a sudden heart failure..
then we went there..

otw there tringat plak si temot nak balek SP mlm tu,
so igt nak text die tny die katne sume,
skali phone tinggal la plak....aiyo0o0o
tp abah ku yg baik hati telah pinjam kan phone die..
so dpt la ckp 3-4 minutes ngan temot..
(mase call die mule2 tu, lembut je sure die bagi salam, mesti die igt tu abah yg call, kih3.. setelah mendengar suare merdu ku trus je tukar tone~ "ha, nape?" aduiii)

back to d story~~
i tot it was jus a normal heart attack,
rupe2 nye its a serius thing...
he's now vegetated which is a.k.a coma.
i didnt get the chance to go into the CCU to see him ( abah dah tgk a day before)
sbb mase tu visiting hours dah abis..
so i pun borak2 la dgn anak die tny pasal his condition..

doctor kate "Just be prepared for any consequences"
they said that skarang nie my uncle to depend on life support machines
in which help him with his heart beats, blood circulations and so on..

hmm... sgt sedey..
so today i went again
hoping to see him..
luckily, the visiting hours is still on,

after an hour or two standing outside the ward,
(imagine how i handle that with this weak spine)
i got the chance to go in the CCU
(2 org je bley masuk at a time)
so i went in with aidil,

i was shocked to see so many machines in his room..
there were around 5-7 machines around him
and they make all kinds of 'beeping' sounds..
i dunno wat it says, i dunno how to read those things on screens..
but the one thing i noe was his heart beat fastened when aidil gave salam as soon as we entered the room.. d graph just went up and down...i guess he can hear us..
so we try to talk more slowly so that his heart rate wont jump high..

me n aidil walked around the room, checking out those machines around him and trying to predict which machine is for which use.. there's a lot of machines i'm telling u..
wires are all over the place... so we watched our step very carefully... who knows what will happen if we step on one... erk!

he looks as though he is asleep..
doctors are monitoring him 24/7 since he came in..
we are praying hard for his health...

later that nite, we went out to have a dinner with our cousin~ iqbal..
dpt makan popia n kek cuklat his mum made.. sgt sedap..
after borak2, we headed home..
sampai je bukit, brenti jap beli CD cetak rompak kat kedai cina sbelah pet shop tu,
pastu beli brg2 mkn sket kat 7-E (lepas byr baru tringat nak boikot US product aiyo0o!)

ni baru la sampai umah with my layu eyes...
bukak2 internet je trus carik assure & addie models for my ID presentation class...
(lepas dapat a star from DR Cynthia, trus smangat nak wat keja..kih3)
partner ngan tuan penache~ nanot.
thanx sbb sudi jd partner i, terharuuuu...
n we shud celebrate for that STAR we got...hehehe

esk umi ajak gi pasar plak.. aaa!!!!!!!!!
those stinky fishes... adoi...
wt eva it is, its still an educational trip for me...
i'm turning into a women remember!!

ok la bambling bunch of babboons,
i'm sleepy oredy.........zZzZzZ


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

i'm not ready and i dunno if i ever will

i'm in my room, feeling so penat
after one whole day hanging out with my brother, aidil,
who followed me to puncak today...
i really enjoyed our hangout..

we went to see fishes in shah alam,
and then we headed to mid valley for a movie..
after jalan2 n memenat kan diri, we went back home..
then goreng cekodok..
nyum2..sgt lazat..hehehe..

anyway, i'm not in a mood to face anybody in class this morning..
i only made conversation with faten, nana,
quelen, n kak marina (tu pun sbb die kate aku nampak cantik arini..kih3)

i'm not ready to talk about what happen and
i never want to discuss it..
it had me real deep that day,
i'm hurt,
n i need sumtime to heal..
knowing the fact that the scar remains,
the frenship we shared
will never ever be the same again...

its a lesson for all of us..
about who to trust,
n how to appreciate frenship..
sorry that u have to learn it the hard way..

Sunday, February 8, 2009

adik beta dah ade blog..waahh!!

promotion free:
visit him at
url= aidilibrahim

for ur 1st assignment kodel,
i tag u with the questions below...
gud luck!!!

p/s: ey mamat, say nice things about me ah!

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Cheering up with Jaja's tag~

1. Apakah benda yang paling penting dalam hidup kamu?
Paru2 dan otak yg sihat...hihi

2. Apakah benda terakhir yang kamu beli dengan wang sendiri??
Biskut Tiger, kat petronas, abg counter tu cute owh! xD

3. Dimanakah tempat impian perkahwinan kamu??
ermm.. i dont mind actually, mane2 yg x menyusahkan utk tetamu dtg..
honeymoon nnt baru bley gi jauh2..hehe

4. Berapa lama hubungan kamu berkekalan?
i'm not in any romantic relationship so.. pass

5. Adakah anda sedang dilamun cinta??
yessss....with cupcakes...hehe

6. Dimanakah restoran terakhir kamu makan malam??
restoran seri melayu..sgt best..

7. Namakan buku terakhir yang kamu beli?
buku KPP (guide to drive) not for me ofcoz!! for my adik yg bakal jadi driver..hehe
*kakak yg baik kan? untung jadi adik i kih3*

8. Apakah nama penuh kamu??
x igt lah.. is it
Aimarack Hussein Obama?
Gusti Putri Aimi Juwita Soyono Dumelah Beraim?
Dato' Seri Aimot
u decide hehehe..

9. Kamu lebih senang dengan ayah atau mak??
well depends, my dad pays the car n my mum pays the phone bills..
hmm.. susah nak decide..hehe
i'm kidding, i love both of them more than i love my self,
i'm close to both and i need them equally.

10. Namakan seseorang yang ingin kamu jumpa dalam hidup kamu buat pertama kalinya??
well, i've already met tony eusoff,
so now i'm hunting Barrack Hussein Obama..hihi

11. Sebutkan 8 nama sahabat yang paling rapat dengan kamu.
~My Fee Kupai
~Fateng Temot
~Dear Elmo
~Ain Busuk
~Mct Miang
~Sinah pembekal Milo
~Kak Ita Geng Kain Batik
~Geng backbenchers in class
ramai lagi loh tapi die nak 8 je..huhu

12. Adakah kamu mencuci pakaian sendiri??
Soklan maut.. ermm.. jarang2..hehe

13. Tempat yang paling seronok yang kamu mahu pergi?
yang mahu pergi? hmm New Zealand, byk lembu..hihi
n i have always love Rome..nak gi sane..!!

14. Butirkan 5 perkara tentang orang yang tag kamu..
~name die hajar but i call her mushuk..
~die sgt suka begayut ngan apek die..
~die sgt mabuk kan pink
~die sgt manje dan sensitive
~die suka nyanyi sambil pegang botol dlm clas..adui yai!!

15. 8 perkara yang amat saya gilai??
~Shoes & Bags!!!!!!!
~kucing kucing di dunia ini
~Music (cant live without)
~Blogging n upload pictures
~James McAvoy
~Footballers yg Botak xD

16. Pelukan atau ciuman??
depends on from who i'm getting it from..hihi
but i prefer hugs kot, it shows warmth..

17. 8 perkataan yang sering diucapkan??
~hot gile kowt
~jom makan
~malu lah

18. 8 buah buku yang paling baru di baca??
~choosing colors (borrowed by faten from library)
~black&white effects of photoshop
~the ways of digital cameras
~Ikea world of ideas
~Vogue Magazine: the history
~Loving Above (given by abah)
~Shopholic (amir's)
~KPP book of driving (i realised dat i dont deserve a lesen, i disobey all d rules in the book!)

19. 8 lagu yang saya boleh dengar berulang kali??
lady gaga - just dance
Taylor Swift-love Story
Bunkface- Situasi
Faizal Tahir - sampai ke syurga

PCD- i hate this part right here
Viva la Vida-ColdPlay

20. Mari men'TAG' 8 orang lain...
~aizat boss

friends are not always friends

responding towards 7th february anger event

dont ever be a busybody
upon other people's business
if u know that u have a huge mouth..

stop nosing around
and pretend that u deeply care of sumting
while actually u r just enjoying the part where u think people trust u
and u know everthing about everybody..

if u learn that u are not good in keeping secrets,
then stop digging peoples private stuffs..

i have never felt offended more than i did yesterday..
i'm upset when people appear to be very harmless turn out to be
the very opposite..

do me a favour~ STAY AWAY FROM ME
atleast until i learn how to smile to u again
wic i am never sure of when...

Friday, February 6, 2009

I HaTe karaoke!

i hate karaoke..
trully deeply hate karaoke...
dont try to invite me to any of karaoke events..
i hate it..
its not dat i cant sing, ( i'm tony braxton's voice-twin sister ok! xD)
i dont like the environment there,
either its an open hall, or a closed area..
i just dont like it...
almost all the people i know
enjoy singing in boxes,
but i dont..
it really turns me off when people go on and on about
how interesting it is to just sing ur lungs out
and not having simon cowell to judge u..
sorry, dat wont do..
if u like it, then go ahead, enjoy urselves..
liv me in peace..
i dont like it..
i hate it..
i never done it and i beliv that i will never think of trying it..
say wat ever u want,
i will never ever ever say YES to karaoke...
i'd rather do sky diving...
or have a swim with sharks and wales in the sea..
yuh, dat is how much i hate it..
wakarimasu ka???
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