Monday, February 23, 2009

NeW paGe!!! thanx nanoT

this is a pokok bunga yg tetiba je mekar bulan ini..
pokok ini terletak di parking lot bawah umah beta...
sgt cantek!
sebenanye saje gatal2 nak post blog sebab ade layout baru...

thanx to nanoT... sgt chumel page ini... hehehe...

arini kurasu sgt bosanu...
beta dan partner beta berlayu-layuan mata semasa klas ptg..
kami yg pada mulanya sgt bersemangat utk menjawab soklan,

tapi towards the end, battery dah low..
pergerakan kami makin slow and feed back kpd lecturer pown makin lemau...
at last kami bwat count down sendiri..
we tried to kill the time by
~kacau2 kak ana,
~conteng2 kertas,
~borak2 pasal kura2
~tunjuk video "baboon" pada rakan2
~tgk FatenG minom air dari botol NIKE nya (boikot la dey!)
~jeling2 jejaka yg lalu kat koridor
~tgk sepit quelen yg sgt menarik
~tgk nana yg berusaha utk bukak mata...

we participated gak with the activities, tp kami tewas di tgh jalan...
tenaga sudah habis...
huhu~sowy dr krish...

ok lah, beta nak ngadap crtique paper nih.. bubbye!


sowy if i ever made u feel less pleasant with my absence, and i noe i missed a lot of things going on in the present times, tapi nnt bile sume dah setel nnt, i'll come back home ok.... gud luck 4 esok!!! luff u

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

this is so touching. :')

but...that entry at my page is not about u laa...don't get me wrong.

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