Wednesday, February 25, 2009

HappY BuFFday TemoT!!!

HapPy BuffdaY to FaTenG!!
in other words, Slamat hari Tua..hak3..

It's been the nicest thing knowing you, and i gotta admit that u r one of the best things that ever happen to me..

I hope u have a wonderful blessed days ahead and may this year brings only the greatest things for u.. if it is less than beautiful, i know u would learn sumthing from it and make a better tomorrow..

Enjoy ur 20th year of living on this earth GrannY!!



Anonymous said...

tenkiu boonchet!!!

sungguh kenapa gmbr kucing???


aiMo0o said...

melambang kan u tgh kembong makan kek...hahahaha

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