Monday, January 26, 2009


A beautiful triP to Jonker Street

si Tam-tEh looking at the 3 AbduLs in Kain Pelikat..
love this shot!

a Nyte out with my cousins!!
we went back at 2 sumting..

balek melaka sgt2...
i went to
kampong jawa~for sum cendols
the nite zo0~Sgt seronok tgk rimau n monyets dlm gelap
the jonKer street~dapat tgk tanglong2 yg sgt chumeL
dinner at a beautiful bistro~Nice place, delicious food, affordable price
Pasar~aimi ibrahim pilih ikan kowt!! smelly, wet, and disgusting.. but educational..he3
a small stall in Klebang~had a coconut shake with ice cream, sllrrrppp!
i did
CarD games~with my dad, my uncle, n my cousins (7 diamonds rawk!)
spent time with Tam-Teh~an adorable cat who is now bunting..wic male is it dis time??
snap sum interesting pictures~loving melaka 4 dat..
Gossip2 wit my cousin~i do dat all the tyme..
Bought a new cincin~everybody else thinks it is too big..i loike it anyway..
beta btul2 tak berkenan ngan ejaan MELACCA..
bukan ke tu name khas, ape la kite terhegeh2 nak ikut org putih tu..
bukan takat org bandar je eja mcm tu, org kampung kat sane sndiri eja MELACCA.. aiyo0..
if Hang Tuah were to be alive, sure die nangis guling2 tgk prangai org melayu skank..
senang sgt trpengaruh ngan org luar..
kan ni negara kite, suke hati kite la nak eja camne pun..
yg depa nak tukaq2 nama apa pasai??
den dobik kepalo sorang2 kang..
den suko namo melako, x usah kaw mandai2 tuka..
ikut yo zaman rajo2 kito dulu, apo lak ikut ong putih..
org malaysia sndiri pun kono soda asa usul..
ni yo yang tingga kat kito, bolo la elok2..
kalo namo nogori pon nak ikut kato org luar, ntah la apo nak jadi..


CooZy said...

It's Malacca, not Melacca. XD

Anonymous said...


the correct spelling is MELAKA!! not malacca or melacca.

there's an article about the correct ejaan.

CooZy said...

Ape ape la, all I know is the English spelling is Malacca.

But if there's no such thing, oh well~

Jaja Aisyah said...

u're talking about melaka,in n9!;)

Anonymous said...

no la cooz.

in english too-melaka.

not melacca/malacca

aiMo0o said...

i told u i dont lyke the diffrnt spellings of my beloved MELAKA.. so i vote faten!!! wohoooo!!!

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