Friday, November 21, 2008

studying PMR+dreadful lonely holidays+no shoe shopPing~what's worse??


i spent my yesterday and today studying, memorizing, and doing exercises...
i feel like i'm sitting for another final exam~~PMR that is... ish2...

i got a job offer in one of d tuition center near my house.. i'm so excited about it.. truly..
but d tiring part is gota be the preparation period...

i've goto go tru
"the phantom of the opera"
"Dr jekyll & mr hyde"
"Life's brief candle"
"The dead crow"
and a few of other short the old days..
i feel like i'm in highschool again..but with a more mature age...huhu..

now that i have to teach the PMR students some of the basic grammar rules, i find it a lot easier to do so bcoz of wat i've learnt in EPC....
morenberg is not just MORONBERG after all...
it does really help me in my teaching process...

but it kinda worries me a lil bit..
i'm afraid dat i will teach them a lil more than their PMR grammar syllabus...
i'm scared that i'll end up teaching the PMR kids how to form TREE DIAGRAMS....kih3

"ok kids, look at the sentences in your text books, now i want u to analyze it and form a tree diagram.. remember to identify the type of verb and dont forget to put the tenses of the sentences in the main verb branch...the branches must not be too short... i dont like short branches.. oh yes, i want u to identify the mood of it as well..."

what d u think the kind of reactions that i will get from them?? huhu..
cricket sounds perhaps..

wateva it is...i'm totally excited to go back in action...
and i really hope dat i can pull it off this time since i have gain more knowledge from my recent classes...
i had taught 200 thailand students who cant even speak well in malay before...
i'm not just teaching them english in communication, i also taught them sign languages..huhu
so i'm hoping that malay students wouldnt be so much of a trouble...amin..huhu

skip that 4 awhile...
my holiday so far is a bit dreadful...
fee is in penang for 3 days, abang is incharge of camps for the last weeks and now he is on a bus, otw to perak for another camp, temot is in kedah, aidil is sitting 4 his SPM, iqbal has gone back to UIA, kayra in parents are working from 7 to 6..
so basically, i have no one to hang out with except for my always-available-tortoise in tank-freind...
to add the dreadfulness of it is, my phone bills are high and it got cut off this morning..i cant call, sms or anything.. so does my broadband bills (i'm using my dad's 4 now), i'm totally broke, i found sum shoes dat i really like but i cant have it coz my pockets r empty..its painful to do window shopping and go home empty handed...
uwaaa~ i guess the job comes at the rite time..huhu

oh ya, my latest health check up turn out to be a gud news..
i mean, better than the last time..huhu..

dats all 4 now..bubbye...


Anonymous said...

aww..that is so sad.

CooZy said...

Cikgu Aimi?

Wah wah.

I would pay big bucks to see you teach. XD

Anonymous said...

coozy!! I would like to be ur classmate again in her class! ahahaha

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