Friday, August 27, 2010

Work or Masters?

Hello babies of the world!
Miss me? hehe

Well lets just go straight to the topic shall we..

A few months ago. i had this HUGE dillemma regarding my future. I mean the things that i want to do after getting my degree.

I've been thinking (or better to say CHOOSING) of either to persue my studies to masters level or to seek for a job. I bet many of my babies out there can relate to this post.

In the process of my desicion making, I casually ask around for opinions- my parents, family, friends, hotties, babes, darlings, sweethearts, guy at Mcd counter, a girl who kisses too many cats, and an old guy who sleeps during terawikh... :)

They have a lot to say actually, and here are some views that i hope to inspire you in your decision making. Or at least make that little pink brain of yours work a bit. Read it!


My mum's bestfriend, who's a lecturer told me that if i really want to persue my studies to Masters level, i gotta know what field that i'm good at.

By knowing your forte, it will help you in your masters research, its important to have passion in your topic. Research in Masters level is a LOT of work and its a serious shit. no goreng2 ok. So if you are not sure about your research topic, or worst, not feeling it, then you may face some problems during your masters.

She adviced me to have a job first, as to gain experiences. Through that experiences, you will then discover your forte.

For example, I'm now doing professional communication and minor in business studies. I might find communication and business interesting only because that i'm exposed to only those areas. If i straight away persue my masters, i might be doing something on business and communication. BUT if i go for a job first, i might find Visual design more interesting and wish to persue in that area. Who knows, i will perform my ass out in that field.

Moral: Explore and expose yourself to various fields during work!


Lets make it simple. My brother and I are two different people with different interests. I'm more to making contacts, doing presentation, talks, persuasive speeches, etc. While my brother loves science projects and chemical stuffs. He talks about science like a girl talks about shopping. (love you brother!).

My point is, my lane is more towards HR, dealing with people, something that theories cant offer much. My lane needs experiences, practical training and pretty much street smart. If dealing with humans is what i wish to do for life, then taking a job after degree is no harm. I will survive without textbooks.

But in my brother's case, he needs theories, he needs references, textbooks, and professors. He cant gained biotech theories by sitting around in the coffee shops, can he?Unlike me, i can still gain experiences and upgrade my skills in communication tru my borak2 kosong at kedai kopi.

If you wish to persue in education lane, you should proceed with masters. the more title you have, the more people will demand for your service. Like Dr., Prof, Ass Prof, etc.

I hope these will help you in making decision.
I have made mine, now its your turn. Choose wisely and always THINK AHEAD!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A secret to increase blog traffic!

I have this amazing lecturer who's teaching me Information System, n he knows a lot of stuff that normal people dont..
*thats a bit dramatic hehe*
One of the things that he told my class is how to get your blog popular.
Add more links to your blogs!
For example:
I ate at Mcd yesterday ( Oh boy the food was sooo good. And i saw this one guy who looks like the guy in X-men wolverine origin (, Hugh Jackman ( Oh, boy, he has the look that could kill. LoL. I heard that he did the commercial for Lipton too. (
Silly example, hope its easy enuff to be understood. Hehe.
Until next time babies. taa taa

Thursday, August 19, 2010

What your eating habits can do to your Feet?

Hey there. Salam Ramadhan to everyone.
I know i've been AWAY for quite some time now but just this morning as i was sitting on the sofa (after washing my kittens' cage) ideas just strucked me and i jumped out and start writing.

I wish to share this experience of mine on weight and shoes and how they are related to each other.

Have u ever go for shopping and suddenly realize that u cant fit in your usual shoe size?
Or have you ever wonder why your shoes look rotten so quickly even if its Adidas or Bonia?
Guess why...
well let me just blew it off for you. Its the W word... WEIGHT!
I feel like I'm the right person to talk about weight. It's obviously because I HAVE WEIGHT. or also known as NOT SKINNY, CURVY, CHUBBY, what ever u want to call it. I prefer not to say the F word (F_T) because its...... demotivating. :)
So Lets go to the topic.
As simple as this. When you gain weight, it puts pressure on your feet and your feet sort of expands as to support your body.
when it is expanded, it becomes bigger (duhh expand-bigger..pfft)
So when this happens, your shoe size also expands (duhh again)
When you are F_tter and heavier and have bigger feet, please pick the appropriate shoe size and dont ever squeeze in your old size (especially for heels).
If you do,
1. it will destroy your shoes (earlier)
2. Hurt your poor feet
3. Disturbs your work as u cant walk or stand properly
4. Get tired really quickly
5. spine injury because of the muscle pressure (worst case)
Well there are other issues regarding shoe size, it would not be the weight if u are genetically blessed with large feet. But still, watch the weight ok.
The reason i post this now is bcause its Ramadhan, a perfect time to start a healthy diet. Eat more vegies and drink a lot of water.
(Total euwth..I'm still struggling. hehe)
See you la'er peeps!
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